Introducing Our Litigation Analytics Sandbox

Explore the Power of Our API

In the world of litigation, data-driven insights have become invaluable tools for legal professionals seeking to gain a competitive edge. As the creator of litigation analytics, Lex Machina has fundamentally altered the way legal research is conducted, providing comprehensive data and sophisticated tools to allow users to make informed decisions. Today we are thrilled to announce the launch of our API Sandbox! This allows potential API customers to experience the capabilities of our API firsthand before committing to a subscription.

At Lex Machina, we have long emphasized the importance of transparency (we like to say that we “show our work” when it comes to our analytics) and with the API, we want to ensure that customers are confident in their investment. With these values in mind, we have created a sandbox environment that provides a taste of what our full API has to offer.

The sandbox API comes with all the endpoints and capabilities of the full version, including no rate limiting. The single difference is the subset of data available. In the sandbox, you will have access to data from one district court - New Jersey - and one state court - Orange County, California. Although the sandbox API includes a subset of the data available in our full API, it provides a comprehensive sample to showcase the capabilities of our platform.

While the sandbox provides access to a limited dataset, it’s important to note that the full API offers an expansive range of data, covering all district courts, state courts and more. Our comprehensive litigation database encompasses a vast array of cases, judges, law firms, attorneys and outcomes. This enables you to extract valuable insights and make data-driven decisions across a broader legal landscape.

We invite you to try out our sandbox API today and discover the power of data-driven decision-making in the world of litigation. Contact us at to learn more.

Disclaimer: The data mentioned in this blog post is based on the information available at the time of writing. Please refer to our website or contact our sales team for the most up-to-date information regarding our API and its available datasets.