
Comparing the Query Endpoints

The Lex Machina API has three query endpoints. Here is a comparision of them.

Now that there are three different ways to query the Lex Machina API, knowing what aspects can be queried in each of the three is becoming a more complex task. This post is an attempt to put a lot of data on screen quickly with no real discussion. To see in depth discussions of each, look at the documentation in the developer portal for querying district cases, state and appeals.

How Queries Differ between State and Federal

Federal district and state queries are similar in structure but not identical. Here is a discussion of the differences.

As of general availability, data from both federal district and state cases can be queried via the Lex Machina API. There are full articles on the developer portal about each type of query. Here is the one for federal district queries and one for state queries. For this blog post, I will provide a very quick high level summary of the differences. For details in using either query, see the above articles.

Judgments by Day of the Week

An example script for judgments by day of the week, inspired by a conversation at CLOC

Recently some of the Lex Machina product team went to Las Vegas to exhibit at the CLOC Global Institute conference. It was an interesting event at which we talked to a number of current and potential customers. One idea that was thrown out almost as a joke was the idea of using our API to determine for a given judge how they ruled on the day of the week. Of course, I took this as a challenge.