
Using the Sandbox API with Client Libraries

Use Lex Machina client libraries with our Sandbox API

Lex Machina now not only has an API to allow automated access to our data but we also have a Sandbox API that allows prospective customers to test out the system with a subset of real data. For those potential users who are testing out the system to see if it meets needs, you can absolutely use the client libraries we have - python and node/JavaScript - to access the Sandbox.

Introducing Our Litigation Analytics Sandbox

Explore the Power of Our API

In the world of litigation, data-driven insights have become invaluable tools for legal professionals seeking to gain a competitive edge. As the creator of litigation analytics, Lex Machina has fundamentally altered the way legal research is conducted, providing comprehensive data and sophisticated tools to allow users to make informed decisions. Today we are thrilled to announce the launch of our API Sandbox! This allows potential API customers to experience the capabilities of our API firsthand before committing to a subscription.