State Data

Oregon Court Data in API

Oregon state court data is now available in the Lex Machina API

The most recent state courts to be added to the Lex Machina data include nine county circuits from Oregon. These nine counties are from the top 11 most populous counties in the state so while 25% of the counties in Oregon, it covers 73% of the population. The goal is to expand to the rest of the counties by the end of the year. (This is an aspiration, not a promise or binding contract.

How Queries Differ between State and Federal

Federal district and state queries are similar in structure but not identical. Here is a discussion of the differences.

As of general availability, data from both federal district and state cases can be queried via the Lex Machina API. There are full articles on the developer portal about each type of query. Here is the one for federal district queries and one for state queries. For this blog post, I will provide a very quick high level summary of the differences. For details in using either query, see the above articles.